Ritter Sport Chocolate Granola Recipe

by Sapphire Team on June 08, 2022

 Chocolate Granola is the absolute quick food for all health-oriented and fitness enthusiasts. After all, a combination of rich dark chocolate and power-packed seeds is too rewarding to ignore. This Ritter Sport Chocolate Granola makes for a satisfying at any time of the day! 


  1. 1 bar Ritter Sport Dark Whole almonds
  2. 120g Oats
  3. 120g Almonds (substitute with nuts of choice)
  4. 20 g Amaranth (popped) / Quinoa
  5. 60 Grapeseed oil / light olive oil
  6. 2 tbsp Honey


  1. Chop almonds and chocolate with a knife and set aside.
  2. Add oats, chocolate, almonds, seeds, and oil to a bowl and combine everything together.
  3. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Spread the mixture evenly.
  4. Place the granola in a preheated oven at 170 degrees (convection) for 20 minutes.
  5. Let it cool or enjoy it right away!





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