The Awesome Twosome: Arabica and Robusta Coffee

by Sapphire Team on February 14, 2022

The Espresso you partake in every day has taken a long excursion to show up in your cup.

Think of a strong, refreshing, and delightful cup of Coffee. Yes! The real charm when you want to start the day off on a strong footing or recharge yourself for an all-nighter. Or maybe, an essential for a sweet date on Valentine's Day with that special someone. Indeed, a lot can happen over coffee.

As the saying goes, “ Good things take time”. To bring the absolute best that Coffee has to offer, there is a lot of work that goes behind the scenes. Including, sourcing the best-tasting beans from select locations to processing them. Once processed, the true charm of a brewed cup of Coffee is no surprise to anyone who is a fan of good coffee. Let’s have a look at this process in retrospect.

From Bean to Beverage: The process of obtaining Coffee

Most of the coffee that we enjoy today is grown in the coffee bean belt. The world's largest producers of Coffee are - Brazil, Colombia, and Indonesia. These countries lie in the bean belt along with other countries that produce coffee.

The climate of countries that are a part of the bean belt is suitable for growing coffee. Coffee is a tropical berry and requires heat, humidity, and rainfall to grow.

The coffee berries grow in the orchards. In a matter of 7-9 months, the Berries turn ripe and turn red. After which, The coffee farmers pick them out.

Once the ripe berries are collected from the orchards, they are dehydrated. And Boom! The berries transform into Coffee beans that we can now taste and experience in our everyday cup of Joe.

Beans beans everywhere!  

Like any other thing in the world, not all bean varieties are the same. Some taste sweet, others taste earthy, and others might be a combination of the two. An artist would play around with different colors, mix & match them to make a Masterpiece. Just like that, different coffee varieties are combined. This results in distinct and unique coffee blends and flavors.

Arabica and Robusta Coffee varieties are amongst the most popular kind. We can even call them each other’s Valentine - for how well their properties complement each other. Arabica Coffee has a smooth and sweet taste with citric flavor notes. Robusta Coffee has a strong and full-bodied taste. Indeed, they’re a power couple. 

Complimentary properties of Arabica and Robusta Coffee. 

Arabica Coffee is rich in fruity flavors and contains berry-like flavor notes. Robusta Coffee has a bittersweet undertaste and adds strength and body to the Coffee. The combination of these two varieties of coffee creates a unique blend. The coffee has strength as well as flavors, has a body, and yet feels smooth with every sip. The aromas, taste, and strength of such a blend are well balanced.

A  well-rounded & powerful couplet of good taste and high quality. Isn't it something we like to have - in our Coffee Mug as well as in our life!?

Here’s to a blend of Freeze-dried Arabica & Robusta Coffee - fresh from Poland to your coffee mug. Ready instantly in a matter of seconds. For you, along with your beloved to enjoy over special occasions like Valentine’s Day.



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